What does the fuel filter housing do?
July 27, 2023
What does the fuel filter housing do?
The structure of a typical filter comprises a cylindrical medial housed inside a metal shell.The medial is made up of high-grade cellulose fibres or even polyester. The metal shell casing also has an inlet and outlet opening. The fuel from the main pump enters the component via the inlet at high pressure.
How Does The Oil Filter Work?
When the engine of a vehicle is running,the oil pump pumps the oil from the oil sump to the filter. The oil enters the filter under pressure through the concentric openings at the top.From herethe oil flows into the filtration environment and then passes through the central tube through the filter and passes to the enaine(Fiaure 2). Most filters use this oil filter flow directionThis oil circuit results in a clogged filter or thick(expired)oil which causes high pressure in the filter.In this casethe bypass valve located under the filter element opens and the enaine is supplied with oil without filters. This ensures that the engine does not run oil-free at any time.In most casesthe by-pass valve is only temporarily opened and normal filtration continues when conditions allow it.